Product Design

In times where innovation is associated with every business’ plan and move, creating a product driven by data, analytics, design and key messaging that captures a consumer’s fancy is nothing short of a BOLD move, it’s innovation. Charting out solutions that not only make a user experience easy and memorable but also pushes the brand with a ‘serve the consumer psychology’. The TANGIBLES. The visual design, the interface, the user experience and the convenience. The intent remains clear, to provide a visually appealing product that will not only stand the test of time but will also find an emotional chord with the customer.


Why Design a product?


  • Meeting business and customer needs to create a seamless user experience
  • Ensuring more recall value for the brand
  • To optimise the use of the material and implied costs of resources
  • To minimise the environmental footprint
  • To infuse user safety and to make it enjoyable
  • Integrating design early in the product development cycle saves money


With our Product Design services, we are diligent with the product design so that not only a brand sustains long term but also fulfills the prerequisite of every consumer who aspires to use it.

But why design a product?

  • Seamless user experience
  • Make the product identifiable
  • Optimise material and implied costs 
  • Infuse safe and make the product enjoyable
  • Ensure high brand recall

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The Neon Project
701, Stellar Tower,
V. N. Purav Marg, Diamond Garden,
Chembur East,
Mumbai 400071