How does one stamp an everlasting impression? Is it the flair, the assurance, the detailing, the charm or a few words spoken seamlessly like when fine wine is poured into a glass or is it a fitting personality in general? Packaging with its finishing, visuals, colours, aesthetics does exactly the same. It, by all means, is a brand presenting itself to the final consumer. A firm handshake. The final yield, the final product. Like we are impressed by people who are well-groomed and have an eye for detail, packaging also leaves a lasting impression on a consumer. But what really influences a consumer’s decision to buy? Know More
What is the bare essential that compels an aspiring pie-eater to eat one? it’s the visual/branding/communication of the pie in the first place that compels one to aspire to eat it, to buy it. With Retail Design, our aim is to provide branding solutions in store through key messaging. A communication that will not only compel the audience to visit the store but to also buy it. Know More
Ever thought what’s the secret sauce that shapes a brand’s identity? Is it the positioning? It’s product? The communication? The visual design? It’s the entirety. A brand’s identity is the manifestation of its visual design, logo, tagline, colours and communication. The elements of a brand that portray its true image in the minds of the customers. How does a brand look, how it speaks, how it feels? How it interacts with the consumer in totality that would not only help it to stay distinct but also a step ahead from the competition. To sustain, a brand needs to create an identity that not only speaks volume about its essence but also what it believes in. Know More
Without advertising a brand is as good as invisible. Advertising gives a brand a face, a new lease of life, a name, recognition, recall, identification and a structure. But it is layered, multi-faceted and hence divided into three groups. Know More
What makes a brand? The ideal components that make that make it instantly recognizable and one that the consumer can align with. A brand grows in size and stature through a strategy.
A plan of action designed to achieve long term and overall goals of an organization. But what constitutes a thorough strategy for a brand? Know More
In times where innovation is associated with every business’ plan and move, creating a product driven by data, analytics, design and key messaging that captures a consumer’s fancy is nothing short of a BOLD move, it’s innovation. Charting out solutions that not only make a user experience easy and memorable but also pushes the brand with a ‘serve the consumer psychology’. The TANGIBLES. The visual design, the interface, the user experience and the convenience. The intent remains clear, to provide a visually appealing product that will not only stand the test of time but will also find an emotional chord with the customer. Know More
Most of us have the habit of liking the same place twice. But ever wondered, what triggers this behaviour? The aesthetics, the experience, the friendly nature, convenience and a responsive host. Just like an ideal website should be. A website is like the face of a brand, it is bound to be attractive because beauty sells. Creating an appealing website design will leave the tone for creating a lasting impression for a brand. As every user yearns for an experience that not only makes their visit to the website worthwhile for every second spent but also because they want it to be productive and memorable; it’s the perfect time for brands to invest hands-on on a well defined strategy for their website. A website is like a well of knowledge for a consumer and they want to keep visiting this well time and again to curate information but how can we make it special for them? Know More
While design is one of the mainstay of creative solutions for a brand but can its growth really foster without strategic inputs? Strategy is at the heart of every brand. It implies a cohesive set of measures taken to achieve a goal. And, we at The Neon Project know what’s good for your heart, the pulse for your brand. Through ‘Strategic Design’, we wish to encapsulate a brand’s requirement through innovative pieces of design, branding and visual marketing and use them to spur its growth. Know More
How do we recognize a person, an entity, a brand, a seal, a stamp? From the looks of it. The distinct features, textures, the colours and the detailing. Instant recognition is guaranteed. For a Corporate, its identity is a composition of its ethos, practices, culture, people and policies. Corporate Identity is by all means a company presenting itself to the public in general but through a visual medium that makes it instantly recognizable and makes it synonymous with a certain design element. Know More
Imagine, if you had to sell yourself to you, how would you do it? What would attract your attention, one that would make you stand out in your own eyes? Your enigma, your flair, your mojo, your zest, your pose. You have to be a package of qualities that will make the other person stand and marvel at your personality. You are a brand and you have to sell it.
Personal branding is packaging all the bare essentials, the traits that make you who you really are. Your tonality, communication, impression, perception, skillset, mannerisms and behavior. You are a brand in itself. Why not be one that stands out, shine like a diamond? Know More
Like it takes a drop to fill an ocean, a business’ overall scale and size grows with persistence and time. Like the StartUp culture, taking the world by storm. Made up of dreams, ambition, dynamism and an aggressive work ethic, it is making inroads across every industry possible. But even dreams need wings to fly. Which is why with our Branding services for Start-ups we provide scalable and innovative solutions centred around maximizing their reach and assisting them in building their future. Branding by all means is a marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. Know More
Brand Architecture is hugely critical in creating a strategic roadmap for a business’ short term and long term goals. To sculpt a brand from a brick into a sturdy building, one needs a fundamentally strong architecture. Which brings us to the question, what brand architecture is?
The role of brands within a brand constitutes the architecture of a brand. Roles and responsibility of each brand in sync with the company’s overall goals and philosophy.
It’s an organized structure showcasing the company’s portfolio to consumers so that they can form opinions and set priorities for an entire family of brands by interacting or learning about only one brand in that family.