At The Neon Project, we place design at the heart of your business strategy.
Our specialised design approach spreads across design roles (framing’, ‘problem solving’, ‘form and function’ and ‘style’) and disciplines (e.g. Communication, Industrial, Space, Interactive etc., to name a few), applying an integrated approach that we call ‘Design Strategy’. To plan, create and drive solutions rooted in the brand thought. So they are unique, clear and engaging across all media and touch points.
We call our unique approach ideaction™.
We create ideas that activate, actualize and accentuate your brand promise. Equipped with creativity and common sense, we walk the walk with you, pushing ideas into action.
While we believe that each brand is unique, every project we accept is broadly broken down into 3 phases:
contACT / Insight & Strategy
Undertaking an exploratory journey through and beyond your brand and its immediate context.
We observe, listen to and question your target customers and competitors. We dissect the market conditions and dynamics to gain insight into your brand’s drivers and roadblocks.
reACT / Synthesis & Decision
We execute the synthesis of learnings and birth of the engaging BIG idea.
Through this, we define why your brand exists, what your brand will stand for and how it will build an emotional connect with your consumers.
impACT / Production & Q.C.
Making the big idea work and having the execution skills to do it justice is what differentiates us from the rest.
Together, we decide how your brand personality will be expressed to appeal to your target consumers at the right ‘touch points’, consistently. So they see it where it matters to them the most.
Soul >> Heart™
We see design as one of the most powerful yet undervalued marketing tools in India. Our ‘soul to heart’ philosophy helps you tap into its immense potential by following the right path.
To us, modern brands are cultures; rich and nuanced with clear beliefs and values. They encourage their audiences to engage, and even shape them. Their visual identities don’t exist only in their guidelines, but in the physical elements that consumers see and touch in myriad ways in their everyday lives. Every object is an extension of the people who make it and your brand’s experiential world deserves to truly reflect your purpose and value.
This is where we step in.
By unearthing the noble truths (the soul) of your brand and expressing it creatively, we lend to your brand a language, an imagery and a singularly ownable experience that touches hearts and accelerates consumer response. Putting your brand in your consumer’s heart.
Catalytic re-briefing
We think of strategy and design as a single discipline. There are several ‘Strategy Decks’ that make for superlative reading, but don’t really translate into great visual designs.
Considering that over 25% designers tend to be dyslexic*, a twenty page text-laden document hardly ignites any sparks of inspiration.
Hence, our thinking process rises above the rest by combining strategic vision and inspiration to enable designers to use their natural abilities.
Our briefs are short, clear and visually rich. They provide springboards for visual ideas that are uniquely inspiring to designers. Needless to say, the teams that create our briefs always involve the designers responsible for the end product.
*Source: The Dyslexic Advantage, Brock L Eide MD MA & Fernette F Eide MD
100% Resolution
At The Neon Project, we do not consider a job complete until we’re absolutely sure the big idea is really working and the production has done justice to it.
We are proud to be the only brand design house to have the ability, intelligence and, most importantly, the willingness to lead and support you throughout the production phase to help you realize the big idea for your brand.
Our detailed step-by-step process fosters an increased value of output while our equations with award-winning industrial and speciality print houses, convertors and a super efficient network of vendors ensures that every job gets done with an assured 100% objectivity. Giving YOU exactly what you came to us for.